How to Take Screenshots – Block Blast Solver Guide
Mostly, gamers face issues in capturing a clear screenshot in the Block Blast game. It is crucial to learn how to take perfect screenshots in the game. For it, you must pause the game at the right moment to avoid interruptions, ensure no unessential notifications are displayed on the screen, and use your device’s screenshot tool to capture quickly.
Perfect screenshots ensure accuracy and clarity. Moreover, we can crop or edit the image to show the full grid and puzzle pieces. In this article, we have shared useful tips to take a clear game screenshot and make the visuals stand out.
How to take perfect screenshots
To get instant and precise results from the Block Blast Solver, follow the tips to capture a perfect screenshot given below because a high-quality screenshot ensures clarity and precision.
Adjust your game
- Position your game in such a way, that the entire grid and puzzle pieces are visible clearly.
- Make sure all three figures are at the bottom.
- Ensure no flashes or overlays on the screen.

Take Screenshot
Before taking the screenshot, you must double-check the lighting. It is important to ensure good lighting and clarity for optimized results from the block solver. Moreover, use a clear image to capture perfect screenshots.
For Android
- You can swipe the three fingers on your mobile screen to capture screenshots.
- Press the power and volume down button at the same time.
- The screenshot will be automatically saved in your mobile gallery.
For iPads and iPhones
- To take screenshots on iPhones, press the volume up and side buttons together.
- Your screen will flash white.
- After this, the screenshot will be automatically saved to your photos.
Avoid Common Mistakes
- Never take screenshots with the flashes
- Do not crop the screenshot
- Never use images taken from other mobile phones.
- Do not add the overlays or effects.
- Always use full-screen screenshots for precise results from the block solver.
- Always keep the screen of your mobile clean and clear.
- Wait a few moments for the animations to finish.

Report Faulty analysis
If you have followed the step-by-step guidance correctly given above but get an incorrect analysis. Then you can contact us or use the [WRONG] tag to submit feedback at the bottom of the solution page. We will review your issue and resolve the problem.
In conclusion, mastering how to take perfect screenshots in the Block Blast puzzle game is important. For this, we provide you with unique and useful tips to capture clear screenshots. You can receive accurate and reliable solutions from the block blast solver with perfect screenshots. Just follow the step-by-step guidance given above to capture perfect screenshots for the best results and make your game visuals exceptional.